posted on 04 17, 2018 08:57

According to the public relation of Royan Stem Cell Technology Company, Dr.Ashrafi said:” The injection of cord blood stem cells derived from hematopoietic or mesenchymal sources to the children suffering from spastic cerebral palsy at the age of 4 to 14 years old was started as a research project since last summer.”
He also said that there were 108 children enrolled in this project who were categorized into 3 groups. The first group received the stem cells derived from hematopoietic sources, the second group received mesenchymal stem cells and the third group was considered as the witness. So far about half of the patients have been observed and entered in this project.
He later added that this project was first approved at Tehran Medical University and was launched under the support of Hormozgan Medical University, State Welfare organization of Iran, Blood Transfusion Organization and Royan Stem Cell Technology Company.
He pointed to this fact that putting this project into effect in full success, patients would not need to go to other countries such as China, India, Ukraine or even Germany to receive treatments which by itself impose lots of expenses to them coming along with some more problems. Launching such successful project can be considered as a means of developing health tourism industry in the country as well in which many neighboring countries such as Iraq and Azerbaijan would be the best potentials showing great interest in receiving such medical services in Iran.
Dr.Ashrafi said: ”This project was initially funded by Hormaozgan Medical University and we hope we can receive more financial aids from other sources to put this project into the effect thoroughly and to its full end.”
He declared that so far we have concluded that the best treatment source for treating such malignant are cord blood stem cells which comes to the success rate up to 20 to 60 percent with no negative side effects.