posted on 05 13, 2019 10:49

According to RSCT Public Relation, Dr.Ashkan Mozdgir, Manager of RSCT Development and promotion Department, talking about their recent trip to Kurdistan Province, Iraq, stated:” During our trips to number of cities such as Erbil and Sulaymaniyah in Iraq, we evaluated the possibilities of representing RSCT services to the people and applicants over thee.
He added:” While in Erbil, we held a meeting with Farabi laboratory which has been RSCT representative since 2015 through which we evaluated the performance of the last two years and discussed the possibility of registering RSCT Company in Erbil.
Remarking this fact that right now patients from these provinces are referred to us to receive medical treatment services, Mozdgir stated:” Registering an office in these regions, patients will enjoy consultant services provided by this office which speed up representing our services to them.
He also added:” Through a meeting held with the Head of CMC Hospital, in Erbil, negotiation on holding up a representative office in hospital was run to transfer the cord blood samples to RSCT in Tehran, Iran. Utilizing Infertility treatment and IVF departments of this hospital was among other goals already set and discussed.
Making a trip to Sulaymaniyah, manager of RSCT Development and Promotion Department said:” During this trip we could hold up meetings with 4 hospitals including International, Royal, Suma and Zhyan through which the services provided by RSCT were represented and discussed such as cell therapy, CP treatment in particular, and also setting up sort of cooperation among gynecologists of both sides and introducing the infertility treatment department of Royan.
He pointed that International and Royal Hospitals have got their own infertility treatment departments. However, in case the patients demand some genetic consultancy, they will be referred to us. That is why we are trying to set up an office out there to not only organize such issues but also transfers the cord blood samples to Iran.
Mozdgir, finding the future of such negotiations so optimistic, said:” Opening offices in these two provinces, we will both facilitate patient transfer who seek for receiving infertility treatment and cell therapy services and also succeed in collecting and transferring cord blood samples to Iran.