posted on 03 19, 2023 13:27

Royan Stem Cell Technology Company was also invited and participated in this 2-day scientific event in the form of a delegation including its experts from R7D and Product Development Departments. The 1st Dubai Stem Cell Congress included 650 delegates from 29 countries and 30 lecturers and 9 exhibitions held along with the congress. There were also patients invited to this event talking about their success stories of cord blood stem cells transplantations. Most of the lectures were concerned with the importance of exosomes and their importance and vital role of cord blood stem cells in treatment of diseases which used to be thought incurable. Cord Blood Banking and its vital role in nations’ health was the core of almost all speeches and meetings and scientific panel discussions throughout this event.

Among those with whom RSCT delegation held meeting we can refer to some as follows:
1-Dr. Frances Verter: The Founder and Manager of Parents’ Guide to Cord Blood Organization

2- Mr.Thomas Moss: CEO of CryoCell Cord Blood Bank in the USA

3- Dr.Esam Abdul Azim: Scientist and researcher from Qatar Biomedical Center
4- Dr.Fatma Alhashemi: Chairman of Dubai Stem Cell Congress
5- Dr.Kostas Papadopolos: CEO of Stemlife Company in Thailand and Manager of Pacific-Asia Cord Blood Association
6- Dr.Asawari Bapat: Global Consultant-Biotherapies and Gene Therapies
And some more. As stated there was an exhibition held along this congress in which medical device manufacturing companies exposed their latest achievements and devices concerned with stem cells and stem cell cryopreservation and transplantation. RSCT delegation held commercial meetings with some of them such as: Life Science Company, ISSAC Association, MRC Company, Cell Genic Company and some more.

This event provided the opportunity for Royan Stem Cell Technology Company (RSCT) to introduce itself globally and represent its achievements and progresses made in this realm of science to the world. Right now a scientific collaboration network is formed between RSCT scientists and researchers with other peer colleagues all around the world and scientific issues concerned with Cord Blood Stem Cells are perpetually being debated through this network. RSCT is also invited to make presence in the next Dubai Stem Cell Congress to be held in 2024.
A pictorial report provided by Parents’ Guide to Cord Blood Foundation of this congress can be found at the link below: