Our Capabilities
Thanks to latest scientific technologies and laboratory devices along with our gifted scientists and researchers, Royan Cord Blood Bank has made great achievements and progresses. The laboratory, freezers, warehouses, library, gathering hall located in different floors of our building are ideally designed and equipped with functional tools to facilitate any kind of study, research and experiment.

What we are racing ahead is catching up with other cord blood banks and taking measures to manufacture a vast variety of products in the realm of cord blood so that patients draw benefit of them.


One of the most critical and key parts of cord blood stem cells processing is separating the stem cells which is performed either manually or automatically (Sepax System). This unit takes measures as precautions on the cord blood samples as follows:
  • Performing preliminary control on samples regarding the volume, cell counts and cells viability in the first 24 hours.
  • Separating the mononuclear cells (MNC).
  • Cryopreserving the samples in special tanks utilized in -197 centigrade degree (Liquid Nitrogen).
  • Performing quality control, HLA and colony tests
Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) is performed in order to find out the most appropriate samples at the time of transplantation purposes applying stem cells. Having got the genetic markers specified, they will be stored in HLA Bank. The more samples registered in this bank, the higher the chance would be while trying to find a sample to be matched with the required one. The key fact to be noticed is that there are 6 antigen locus on each cell which should be matched with each other between donor and receiver while trying the transplantation.
HBS Ag , Anti-HBS , Anti-HBC , CMV (IgG , IgM) , HCV Ab , HIV PCR , HCV PCR , HTLV , RPR
To make sure about cord blood stem cells health as its consequence, all international standards and infections tests are performed on the samples to prevent transmitting infections to the receiver of the transplantation.
The most common infectious tests performed on the samples are as follows:
HBS Ag , Anti-HBS , Anti-HBC , CMV (IgG and IgM) , HCV Ab , HIV PCR , HCV PCR , HTLV , RPR
The banks cryopreserving the hematopoietic stem cells apply Flowcytometry technique to investigate specific markers expressed by these cells (CD34+ & CD45+) and also to determine their viability for a proper transplantation.
Considering the key role stem cells play in transplantation and treatment of some diseases, they should be free from any infection and contamination. To prevent the transplanted tissue rejection, microbiologic screening is one of the most crucial steps to be fulfilled, so that the body immune system is suppressed before transplantation.
All microbiologic tests on cord blood hematopoietic stem cells, including microbiological culture (aerobic and anaerobic) and fungal, are performed, through which any bacterial or fungal infections will be revealed. Those found positive with any infection will be rejected.
R & D Department:
R & D Department
Royan Cord Blood and Stem Cell Technology Company enjoys a Research and Development Department (R&D) through which we make a research and clinical study on a wide variety of diseases could be cured with stem cells. No wonder, as we go ahead with new findings and potentials regarding cord blood stem cells, R&D department finds itself in arena of making crucial efforts on the path toward organizational development and enrichment.
In the meantime, thanks to our scientific staff and researchers, we have taken fruitful measures in research activities including:
  • Releasing and publicizing articles and magazines

  • Taking part in various national, regional and international congresses, conferences and exhibitions

  • Representing two articles in the 28th Immunogenic Congress held in Stockholm

  • Representing one article about evaluation of blood factors of the cord blood samples stored in cord blood bank and its relationship with CD34 in the 11th Symposium on cord blood bank held in San Francisco

  •  Registering a patent on isolating the stem cells of mesenchyme in Wharton Jelly, taking advantage of PBS which is so fast and economic

And some more, to name but a few. The data represented here are so concise and in brief, not to taking a long time or get you bored. We invite our counterparts from various related scientific communities and centers from far beyond borders to share their experiences, knowledge and experiences with us so that we all can play our roles much more constructive than before and pay the debt we owe to the human communities toward enjoying a healthy life.